The People's Seat- A Loud Call To Washington

Barrack Obama was sent to Washington by the Independent voter and if he cares enough about his legacy he will use the Massachusetts Senatorial Election as a wake up call to readjust his agenda.

The blame game has begun and the back slapping commenced. Both Democrats and Republicans should refrain from misinterpreting these results however and take a serious look at how they, as political parties, are perceived. Because the people who truly hold the most powerful voice in American politics today are Independents, unbound by party allegiance.

The divisiveness which has plagued our country for nearly a generation has turned our government sour and the partisan politics of one-sided, no-compromise, all-or-nothing alienation has expired. Obama, you were elected by the middle ground and as such you were not given a mandate to push for socialized medicine, uncontrolled spending or closed door policy. You were sent to represent the people. Neglecting that may be your downfall.

The special election in Massachusetts is colossal on many levels, not the least of which being it is the loudest protest yet of federal policy. But it sends a deeper message of how out of tune our politicians have become. A race in which the democrat candidate, Martha Coakley, seemed so sure of her own ascension she failed to recognize her fragile vulnerability. She conveyed an arrogance of entitlement in which she perceived the senate seat to be hers without contest. Perhaps it was that very perception of the 'Kennedy Seat' which caused her and her party's downfall when she proclaimed it so in the last debate before election day.

"With all due respect, it's not the Kennedy's Seat, it's the People's Seat." Said Scott Brown and really, at that point, the mood began to turn.

Entitled, arrogant, out-of-touch, unaccountable and treacherous. That's how Washington is perceived by the people who sway elections. Those who cash government paychecks and rest behind mighty titles may wish to remember that as the new year unfolds. This election marks the rise of a legitimate third party in America, one which is not bound by the Republican or Democrat label.

Independent is how the majority of America views itself and it is our voice which will push the New America. The far right and the far left must take note of this and amend their agendas accordingly or they will be removed from power.

The country is in dire straights at present and we need the political bickering to cease and the job of leadership to commence. Clinton is no longer in office, Cheney/Bush are part of history and yet, our challenges remain. Rear view politics does not change the onslaught of the future.

The message of the Scott Brown victory is that the people are angry and damn near furious. Washington is not trusted nor endorsed by the majority. If this message is not met with keen attention by those in the beltway they will soon find themselves without the power they so shamelessly covet.

A health care bill which does nothing to address costs while adding millions to the rolls is not a workable option. The fact that it needs to be brokered behind closed doors with unconstitutional pay-offs only taints it more. When a decision on the war effort has all its variables on the president's desk it should not take four additional months to give it the thumbs up or down. And when we've dropped hundreds of billions of dollars into a pork-laden 'stimulus' bill weighted by 9000 ear marks while unemployment tops ten percent...well, one hopes they won't need a poll to explain which way the wind blows.

Again DC, we do hope you're listening.

So Scott Brown is going to Washington and with him goes the voice of the Middle Majority. This is not an endorsement of Republican policy but condemnation of the state of government. We sent this message before in November 0f 2008.

They weren't listening then. But can they feel us now?