
Bakken Oil Boom: Williston, North Dakota…Modern Day

Hey Peeps,     
            Wow.  Where to begin?  How ‘bout I lost my job?  (Where did I put that?  I know I left it around here somewhere…) Yeah, may as well.  So, I lost my gig.  Kinda saw it coming and to be honest, it wasn’t what I needed to be doing anyway.  Calling software engineer types and telling them about the job of their dreams and then having to hear about all the reasons why they didn’t want to make the move wasn’t going to shoot me out of bed in the morning or keep me glued to the insta-phone messaging at night so when I heard the news I took the blow, wondered what’s next and then gave a sigh, a deep “Thank God!” and looked up the road.

            You know me.  I’m not the suit and tie every day kinda guy and probably my greatest flaw is I’m always wondering what’s behind door number two.  It’s why I can’t watch TV with anybody if the remote’s in my hand.  Like my buddy Blankenship used to say; “I don’t care what’s on, I just want to know what else is on.”  

            But you hit a point in life where those things catch up to you and so here I am.  41 years in, un-employed, out of funds and looking at the sad end of reality with options running out.

            Might make somebody think Life’s looking dismal and it’s all ‘Straight To Hell’ like The Clash used to sing. 

            And then you remember I’m an Amer-I-CAN…I’m the cat who trucked a bike across North America just to prove a point.  That even if there’s two strikes, two outs, bottom of the ninth at least you still got one more pitch to hit and hey, who knows, you might knock that one off the reservation. 

            Yeah, that feels a little more like it.  Let’s rip it up, let’s kick this bitch into hyper-drive and let’s just go out and effin’ do something. 

            The unemployment line wasn’t an option.  I got physically ill at the thought of having to plead my case in front of some hefty HR type whose only job was to provide a roadblock for corporate progress and I was getting doughy from the desk jockey lifestyle anyway.  I wanted to put some action back into my game and I wanted to go to a place of mystical mystery where the jobs were falling off the trees, the pace was hyped and the America of old where ‘Show up, be ready to work and let your attitude and ethic stake your claim’ counted more than what your LinkedIn profile said you could do.

            You used to be able to find that solution at nearly every zip code in the lower 48 but this last decade of division, global war, plummeting debt and national misdirection is beginning to pulse it’s virus into the nook and groove of every neighborhood of Your Town, USA.  A recession is when your neighbor loses his job and a depression is when you lose yours?

            Well, I hit mine I guess but I’m too stupid to know when I’m beat and my heart still pumps the vitals of better days ahead. 

            Know what?   There is a pot o’ gold at the other end of the rainbow and damn, man!  It is for realz!

            So here’s the deal.  Learn it.  Oil Boom!  Bakken Oil Patch.  North Dakota.  America.  United States of.

            I kept hearing about it.  Jobs!  Jobs!  Jobs!  Arby’s paying 18 bucks an hour with a signing bonus  to deep fry chicken and fries…Wal-Mart doesn’t have shelves ‘cause they can’t keep anything in stock so they just drop the stuff on pallets and let the hawks sweep in…Show up, roll out the car, pick up a hammer and get after it!  Work!  No time to talk, I got shit to do! 

            Yeah well, it ain’t all like that.  They got shelves at the Wal-Mart but there’s so many people popping through there it must be the only one in the world where every single check out line is running and there are still lines eight people deep.  Arby’s doesn’t pay 18 an hour but Taco John’s will get you $15 per for steppin’ in. 

            But who’s got time for that kinda action when there’s all this other stuff to do? 

            I haven’t seen construction like this since I lived in Austin, Texas when 5,000 people a day were moving in to hit the high tech boom of 1997.  Entire neighborhoods are going in with lots already sold on the next, yet-to-be-built development over.  Single bedroom studio will get you $2K deep but don’t worry, there’s none available anyway.  Streets are stuffed with cars of people from all fifty states coming in and creating their own job. 

            The coolest thing I’ve noticed since I got here three days ago is I haven’t heard anyone talking about politics or looking east to DC for an answer.  Everyone’s too busy.  Everyone you meet is the same way; “Yeah, got here yesterday, think I got a job lined with this guy doing this…”  or “Stopped at McDonald’s for breakfast, guy in a truck had his window down, I asked if his guys were hiring.  He goes; ‘Follow ME!’”  Heard a guy at the table next to mine in the library (where I’m writing this) and he’s telling his new buddy; “Worked all weekend…29 hours- made $800.  He wants me to stay on but I found this other thing doing this.” 

            It’s a spirit I haven’t seen in years.  Together.  We’re all in it, man.  I finally got to the community center to jump one of those $3 showers after a couple more days living out my car and even there it’s the same.  “Came over from Michigan ‘cause I can make $28 bucks an hour here doing what they’d pay me $7.45 for there.” 

            Dudes just whistlin’ and saying “Yeah, me too…comin’ from St. Louis.”  That was the big black dude.  Talked loud and at first everyone’s like “Uhh wait, so this is a community shower?  So like we’re all gonna shower like HS football practice?”  I mean, I’ve never been to jail but exactly what is the etiquette when you drop the soap? 

            So everyone’s a little cloaked at first, you know?  Like, none of us would be here if things were goin’ great back home but damn!  We’re all trying to make it better, you feel me?  So when I stumbled around going down the wrong hallway trying to find to shower room, the big dude kinda laughed.  Said “It’s over there” and pointed with a long finger. 

            Everyone’s helpin’ each other out, you dig? 

            Every time you end a conversation out here it’s “Good Luck!”  Yeah, call me if you need something.  You found anything?  Yeah, these guys are looking over here.  Hiring right now. 

            It is wild.  Wild West.  And it’s all about the oil.  American Ingenuity at it again. You know they now put a motor at the end of a string of pipe, turn that bitch sideways and snake it seven miles before frackin’ the rock and extracting enough crude to shoot North Dakota to #2 nationally as far as oil production goes?  That’s more than Cali.  More the Louisiana…more than Alaska…Three years ago The United States of America imported 64% of its oil.  Today?  That’s down to 42%.

            You can thank North Dakota.

            I’ll hit the oil later…that’s a story all in its own. 

            But trust me on this.  Don’t let anyone tell you America has kicked it. You feelin’ down?  Feelin’ out of the mix and off your game?  You should see this place then.  It is for real.  You get a cup of coffee at the Quick-Shop and they aren’t even able to keep the stirring sticks in supply.  There’s a little cup with a few plastic spoons in it.  Use one.  Stir your Joe, replace…and Get Out Of The Way!  ‘Cause there’s another dude behind ya and he’s got places to go!

            So here it is.  North Dakota is where America is already restarted.  It is hummin’ and it is movin’ and it is something from the story books.  New!  Big!  Fast!

            I went to see the Amtrak roll through yesterday since it was slow due to Labor Day (just meant the offices weren’t open...the drill rigs do not stop…) and because I’ve always liked trains.  I’ve been on Amtrak and I’ve never seen more than a couple people getting on or off at any given stop from Kansas City to Boston.  This thing came in and there must have been fifty people falling off of it and that many getting on.  Oil guys coming back from their 14 days off, oil guys getting on from their 14 days on…people looking for the future showing up with a hand bag and a dream of employment…Everyone jostlin’ and moving with that confused look of the new guy who knows he’s in the right spot but doesn’t know much else.  Who should I talk to?  Where do I stay?  What is this place?

            See, it’s out here.  Way out Western North Dakota and the only way in is by car, plane or train.  The planes route you through Denver or Minneapolis on double engine props because the runway ain’t long enough for anything else.  By car you gotta battle with crude-humpin’ semis and an armada of diesel, double crew-cab pickups.  The train comes in and it’s really like the Old West.  That light off in the distance shines, the whistle blows and it’s like the outside world comes in for a three minute stop on before shooting its way  on to Seattle…

            But I guess that’s enough for now.  Me?  Yeah, I’m getting hooked up.  Trying to get in at one of these Man Camps (what’s that?) and should be good once my urine checks out and the FBI gives me the thumbs up (“He’s Okay!  Hire Him!”)…and even there at the piss test center it’s the same.  Five dudes, sitting around waiting to pee in a cup and at first the silence is awkward and you know me, I have trouble being quiet.  Next thing I know this dude’s showing me his i-Phone and a picture of an oil rig blowing out at midnight.  Guy died during that one. 

            “Yeah, that dude out there (nodding past the doors at his buddy smokin’ a cig) was right up there when it happened.”  He said pointing to the monkey bench near the top of the derrick some 160 feet in the air as a huge black cloud of oily mist shot through the night sky at 2200 pounds per inch of pressure.

            Wild, Wild West…

            Stay tuned.  I’ll write more.

Live Free Or Die,
