September 11 and The Shadow Theory

September 11…Bring The Theories

I love conspiracy theories. Love the sound of Black Ops, Shadow Government and the thought of nefarious little schemers plotting for global control from underground bunkers. Magic bullets, secret wars and puppet masters pulling strings as they profit from our compliance.

But proving a theory isn’t as easy, or as sexy, as taking the baton and running with it. We’ll mark the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks this year and ten years on we’re still trying to figure out the who, what, why and how it all went down. Some buy the ‘accepted’ version of events while others don’t or won’t. Compelled to question, forced to refute and unsatisfied with the overall picture the 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists have made the claim it was not an Islamic motivated attack on America to spread a global jihad but an inside job planned and executed by those who sat in the power seats at the millennial turn.

I’m with it. I get it. I hear the noise and lend an eager ear to see if something’s there. And I dig through the rhetoric, peel back the layers and work my mind through history to see what the truth really is. And if it’s possible to back it, stack it and prove it.

And maybe what I’m saying here will make a little sense and sway some opinion. Regardless, I welcome the challenge and ask only if I’m wrong, to please verify my errors and provide evidence of contrarian support.

To begin, I believe September 11, 2001 was a coordinated attack on America by an organized, well funded and highly motivated terrorist network based in the Afghanistan caves with a tentacle reach through Europe and into the United States. In short, I’m buyin’ the advertised opinion. But I get the unease which follows the story and I’ve dug through the pieces to fight for truth and refute the other view.

So come on along and let’s see where you stand and if you’ll bite my bait or still swear allegiance to the sexier side of history.

To begin, let’s look into the ‘Conspiracy Theory’. Let’s take a peek and see what all the fuss is about and how something can get so twisted and bent out of shape. In a nutshell, according the 9/11 Truther movement, September 11 was a coordinated, government attack on America for the purpose of starting a foreign war for personal profit. Our own government planned the attack, sent in the planes, wired the buildings for controlled collapse, fire-rocketed the Pentagon and shot down Flight 93 to lull the citizenship into terrified compliance with their secretive strategy to enter America into an endless war for the control of oil and the formation of an authoritative state.

In other words, Dick Cheney planted detonation devices in the World Trade Center so that Haliburton would receive billions in government war contracts.

Now that’s what I call a sexy story. And I wish it were true. I wish it could be proved and I wish we’d rise up, throw the shackles of oppression from our shoulders and sling those perpetrators from the nearest branch.

But I can’t.

I can’t because I cannot find a single shred of verifiable fact to support the story. On the other hand, there’s a pretty well established trail of historical support to make a sound argument that a nest of radical Islamists got highly offended by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the fall of 1989 and gleefully fought a guerilla war against them which sent shockwaves of unity throughout the Muslim world and, after being shunned by the Saudi government with their voluntary offer to take care of Saddam in 1990-91, set out on an Islamic Jihad against the western world to fight for an Islamic state, free of the foreign infidel.

That’s the history side of the show and while there’s a lot to back it up that ain’t why you’re here reading this. We want to take the Truther Movement, hear their argument and then see if holds the water.

So let’s dive on in and sort some of this out, shall we?

Now, we’re not going to look at the big picture and try to find proof of Cheney’s wickedness or attempt to locate sources with knowledge of detonators laid throughout the World Trade Center complex or even try to come up with an explanation of where the 9/11 planes disappeared to or how, once the Iraq War was started, it actually brought down an administration instead of giving it permanent secret powers so hold on to your horses for the immediate present.

For now we’ll take the 9/11 Truther ‘evidence’ and see where it goes.

There is no shortage of websites and pamphlet proof to back the 9/11 claims of conspiracy. But they do, for the most part, follow some tasty newsbytes and singular events which then lead to the growing suspicions. Think about the JFK assassination and how the ‘Magic Bullet Theory’ was too hard to swallow and thus made for a reasonable assumption that something had to be amiss. That’s where this movement took its root.

And among the bullet point discrepancies which litter the internet there are a couple which stand out for their peculiarities. We’ll look at those and go from there.

WTC 7 was a controlled collapse, Flight 93 left a debris field, no plane hit the pentagon, jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel and the towers came down due to secondary explosions planted prior to the attacks.

On their own these are pretty wild claims. Bundled together they can pose a host of questions but like most things, if you peel the layer back and look at it from the source things begin to make more sense.

And again, all this starts because the Truth varies from what the government has told us. Remember, we aren’t asked to think for ourselves but to blindly accept what they’d like us to believe.

And while I’d like to believe my health care costs will go down, Social Security will be there for me, we went to war to bring ‘democracy to Iraq’ and the Department of Homeland Security is well-tuned, efficient machine of bureaucracy…well, I already bought the Brooklyn Bridge and it never got delivered.

Anyway, here we go. In no particular order let’s debunk some theories.

Jet Fuel Doesn’t Burn Hot Enough To Melt Steel: No. It doesn’t. But 9/11 Truthers want us to believe the government is telling us the jet fuel which started the fires in the Twin Towers melted the steel trusses and brought the buildings down. In fact, all the jet fuel on the site is generally considered to have burned off within ten minutes of impact.

So if jet fuel didn’t melt the steel trusses what did? Well, first off, the steel didn’t melt. It did expand, it did weaken and it did fail but it didn’t melt. The planes’ impact pushed vast amounts of combustible material into the buildings (chairs, rugs, desks, etc…) and the ensuing fire was estimated to have reached 1832 degrees Fahrenheit (Popular Mechanics). A fire of that strength could soften the trusses enough to fail, thus forcing the floors above to collapse upon themselves and each pan-caked floor below would fail in rapid succession. This pan-cake effect also accounted for the ‘explosions’ which sounded very much like a controlled detonation not unlike something we’d see on great television shows like “When Buildings Collapse”.

WTC North and South Were Controlled Collapses: Uhhh, no they weren’t. They were actually quite out of control and quite different from each other. But let’s say for the sake of argument they were controlled collapses and they were brought down by previously planted explosives (that damned Dick Cheney!).

The overwhelming video evidence marks the point of initial building failure. You can clearly see the steel exterior of the buildings snap as their supports give way. I believe they snapped due to weakened steel caused by the fire from the planes’ impact but hey, let’s say there were explosives attached to the vertical supports and they were ignited in sequence to begin the reaction.

Well, this has to mean the planes were precisely sent to their corresponding floors to ignite the diversionary flames which then masked the explosions…So hey pilot, while you’re flying that massive jet into a building (on live TV in the case of the South Tower) make sure you park it exactly between the 94th and 98th floors (North Tower) and the 78th and 84th floors of the South Tower so we can synchronize the collapse, alright?…

Both Frontline and National Geographic, among many others, have video evidence of the collapse beginning at these locations so…well, I’ll leave it at that.

WTC 7 Was A Controlled Collapse- Well, of course. It had to be. Why? Well, because there’s a recording of an NYC Fire Chief saying into his walkie-talkie “Pull It” a few minutes prior to the collapse. ‘Pull It’ of course, is a term used by demolition crews to announce the firing of the detonators during a demolition. While it can also be used as a phrase to ‘pull’ any personnel from a flaming building that wouldn’t support our claim that Bush Lied and People Died, would it?

The collapse itself is questioned though. Far too neat to be the result of a huge chunk of falling debris and a fire which burned out of control for nearly five hours. Of course the unique design of WTC 7 and the way its support columns were located (and subsequently taken out by the afore mentioned falling debris) wouldn’t make much scientific sense (sarcasm) but then who needs science when we’re talkin’ ‘bout Shadow Governments, right?

Flight 93 Was Shot Down- One part of the 9/11 Truther movement I find so amazing is the incredible ability of our own government (the ones who brought you the TSA! And Medicaid!) to operate with such pin-point precision during hours of remarkable chaos. So, Flight 93 (the final plane) was shot down on its way to Washington. Why? Well, to prevent it from hitting the White House…or the Capitol Building.

Now this one is one I’d actually like to believe. I mean, the government, knowing we’re under attack by elements willing to kill us, can flip into action and rustle up a fighter to knock the offending missile from the sky. And while this is probably the one aspect of the Truther movement the government wished were true it simply did not happen because without the transponder on Flight 93 (those bastards turned the locators off) we had no idea where this thing was exactly. But due reports of a ‘debris field’ found several miles away at Indian Lake it could have only meant one thing…which was the plane was shot down.

Turns out the ‘debris field’ story originated from a single article on written on September 13, 2001 which did reveal the presence of debris 3 miles from the Flight 93 crash site. The debris in question? Paper, tatters of clothing, seat fabric…that sort of thing. The same kind of things which could get carried by the wind after a catastrophic impact…

Oh, and the ‘white plane’ seen in the area which of course shot 93 down? That was a corporate jet from the Wrangler company obliging the FAA and landing at nearby Greensboro Airport. Air traffic control asked it to investigate during its descent and it diverted its flight plan to take a ‘look see’ which it did and reported from 1500 feet that yes, there was a pretty large hole in the ground.

Pentagon Ws Hit By A Rocket- Well, no it wasn’t. A plane flew into the building and shredded itself on the re-enforced concrete (which explains why you don’t see an outline of a plane on the exterior). But since there was no video imaging of the impact it could only mean the US Military fired a rocket at itself to…to…wait a minute…to throw suspicion off! Yeah, close enough.

Plane residue, tail section and the black box were all retrieved from the Pentagon site but…well, that doesn’t help us out ‘cause damn it! We want some conspiracy goin’ on!

Anyway, there’s a start. I understand it doesn’t sound as cool as the Shadow Government but hey, truth is sometimes lamer than fiction. And I know there’s room to pick and pull the story above apart and I welcome the discussion but if we are to argue let’s try to argue these points as well. Gimme some opinion on these questions:

1. If 9/11 was a conspiracy and the planes weren’t commercial aircraft then where did those planes (and passengers) go? Where?
2. If demolitions were planted in the towers (and let’s at least agree they had to be at the impact floors) how were they not noticed prior to 9/11? The South Tower impact zone was right at the 78th floor Sky Lobby, one of the most trafficked areas in the entire building…how they’d go unnoticed?
3. Please explain away the Islamic Jihad…
4. No really, explain how Mohammed Atta and Co. were taking flight classes, living in America and being associated with radical Islamists well before September 11…
5. Please explain the 1993 WTC attack and how that fits, or doesn’t fit into the method and mayhem of Al-Quaida
6. Explain the assassination of Northern Alliance general Ahmad Shah Masoud on September 9, 2001…a key opponent to Al-Quaida whose strategic removal hindered the Northern Alliance’s leadership during the ensuing retaliation by Western forces…
7. Please provide a motive for 9/11 to be an ‘inside job’…why would anybody think this would be a worthwhile idea?

Anyway, hopefully this will get us started. I welcome the rebuttals but let’s make sure we’re using fact, not opinion. Give me the verifiable proof to support your stance. I’ll listen, I’ll expand. I’ll take it with respect and we can debate intellectually.

But bring the argument and make it stand.

Live Free Or Die,

Jed Dunham
July 16, 2011

Sources consulted include: CNN, PBS Frontline, CBS News, National Geographic, Time Magazine and Popular Mechanics…also,, and 911 Loose Change.

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